중화사전망 - 격려 격언 - 영어 영감을주는 문장은 자신에게 짧습니다.
영어 영감을주는 문장은 자신에게 짧습니다.
every day you wake up, you have two choices: continue to dream or get up to chase your dream
our life must be inspirational.if we don't inspire, we will feel as if we have no soul.
3, 청춘의 꽃들이 눈보라를 겪은 후
the flowers of youth will shine after experiencing the wind, frost, snow and rain.
4, 내일의 희망, 오늘의 고통을 잊자.
hope for tomorrow, let us forget today's pain.
5, 인생은 꿈처럼, 황혼에 모든 것을 뒤돌아본다. 웃음과 욕설은 삶이고, 꽃이 피고 지는 것은 인생이다.
life is like a dream, looking back at night, everything is empty.to laugh, laugh and scold is to live, and to bloom and
don't want to be so content with the status quo, I will gradually make myself stronger.
7, 대부분의 사람들이 이 세상을 개조하고 싶어하지만, 개조하고 싶어 하는 사람은 드물다
few people want to transform the world.
8, 성공은 항상 뛰고 있는 사람에게 속한다.
success always belongs to those who have been running.
9, 파도의 품격은 수많은 암초에 의해 부서지고 수없이 암초를 향해 돌진하는 것이다.
the character of the sea wave is that it has been by the reef for countless times, and it has flashed to the reef.
1 네가 고통스러울 때, 너는 이 고통도 영원하지 않다고 생각해야 한다.
when you are happy, you have to think, this happiness is not eternal.when you are in pain, you have to think, the pain in 자신을 함부로 판단하지 마라, 자신을 다른 사람에게 판단하지도 않고, 자신을 얕잡아 보지도 않을 것이다.
believe in yourself.don't judge yourself, you will not give yourself to others to judge, and you will not be little yourself
only creation, is the real enjoyment, only struggles, is the substantial life.
13, 사람, 당신이 살아 있다는 것을 깨달을 때
people, when you realize that you are alive, you must think about death, and then try to find out how to live a better life. <
success does not like to meet lazy people, but to wake them up.
15, 지금 버려진 모든 순간은 당신의 미래입니다.
every moment of waste now is your future.
16, 아무리 험준한 높은 산이라도 어려움을 두려워하지 않는 사람들을 위한 등반 길을 남겨 준다.
no matter how steep the mountain is, it always leaves a way to climb for those who are not afraid of difficulties.
in addition to personality, the biggest loss in life is the loss of self-confidence.
18, 실패에 대한 이유를 덜 찾고, 대부분 성공 방법을 찾는다
most people want to reform the world, but they don't know how to start from small things.
19, 어떤 좌절과 어려움이 닥쳐도
no matter what kind of setbacks and difficulties one encounters, one must have a hundred times courage to cope with them.
in their respective positions to do their duty, no need to speak big words, silent action will interpret everything.
originally wanted to give the world a warm embrace, but ushered in all directions can not prevent the slap in the face.
confidence breeds confidence and moves from victory to victory.
23, 자신을 믿어야 다른 사람의 신뢰와 긍정을 얻고 성공을 향한 거리를 줄일 수 있다.
only by believing in yourself can we win the trust and affirmation of others and shorten the distance to success.
24, 어려움이 아니다
difficulties are not terrible.what is that there is no courage to overcome them.
25, 내 청춘은 계속되고 있다
my youth is still going on, no matter how many thorns will run forward.
26, 내 자신의 역사를 쓰게 하려면 내 잘못을 쓴다.
if I want to write my own history, I will write my mistakes.
27, 사람은 이상적인 꿈을 가지고 위대하게 되고, 진정한 위대함은 꿈을 이루기 위해 끊임없이 노력하는 것이다.
people become great because they have ideals and dreams, and real greatness is to constantly strive to realize their dreams. < p.
please don't stop and be what you want to be.
29, 노력 없이 얻을 수 있는 것은 단 한 가지뿐이다. 바로 나이다.
there is only one thing you can get without effort, and that is age.
3, 열등감 사이에서 자신감으로 나아가는 사람은 진정한 자신감이다. 처음부터 맹목적으로 자신감을 가진 사람은 사실 자신이 없다.
people who go from inferiority complex to self-confidence are real self-confidence.people who are blind and self-connect Ot have self-confidence.
31, 책을 무한히 믿는 힘은 나의 교육 신앙의 참뜻 중 하나이다.
it is one of the true meanings of my educational belief to believe in the power of books.
32, 인간의 감정은 두 가지에 불과하다
there are only two kinds of feelings in the world, one is tired of getting old with each other, and the other is forgetting each other
change yourself, challenge yourself, from now on.
34, 파종 없음, 수확 방법; 열심히 일하지 않고 어떻게 성공할 수 있습니까? 시련이 없으면 어찌 영광을 얻을 수 있겠는가; 좌절이 없는데 어찌 휘황찬란한가.
No sowing, no harvest; No hard work, no success; No hardship, no glory; No frustration, no glory.
35, 목표가 아무리 원대하더라도, 결국 신념에서 벗어나 지탱할 수 없다.
no matter how ambitious the goalis, we can't do without faith.
36, 돛의 자부심은 풍랑 속에서 가슴을 펴는 것이다.
the pride of sail is to be able to standup in the wind and waves
people depend on their own perception and cognition to understand the world, but they are also bound by it, which is called reality
only by constantly falling, can we learn how to stand on the earth with our own strength.
39, 너를 만나는 것이 옳은지 틀린지는 모르겠지만 너를 만나는 건 알아
I don't know if it's right or wrong to meet you, but I know I